The first ECCSELLENT Transnational Access (TA) call offers funded access to Italian ECCSEL-ERIC facilities.
Target groups for the call are to researchers or research teams from Academia, Research Institutes, Industry and small and medium size enterprises (SMEs).
Goal of the call is to extend knowledge in CCUS (Carbon Capture, Transport, Utilization and Storage) and to improve the access to Italian ECCSEL ERIC facilities, extending the user base to industry and SMEs.
The call opened on June 7th 2024 and will stay open until TA funds are exhausted or latest 31st May 2025. Funds are available on a first come first served basis for the peer review highest ranked projects. Early applications are therefore advisable.
The call is funding access to Italian research facilities that are part of ECCSEL ERIC and is open to applications now.
The aim of the ECCSELLENT project is also to upgrade most of the Italian facilities of ECCSEL ERIC and to expand the Italian Node to promote the development and internationalisation of Italian research in the full chain of CCUS.
Further details, including a list of available facilities, is available in the attached document and on the OGS website.
Each project will be reviewed by a panel formed by the Italian National Node.
For more information, please visit