Following a series of introductory webinars, and two physical workshops in the Netherlands and Italy, this workshop will take place in Almeria, Spain, and it will discuss research-industry cooperation practices and opportunities to accelerate innovation in the Energy Storage and Concentrated Solar Thermal (Power & Heat) technologies/sectors.
The purpose is to bring forward successful Spanish implementation examples of the two selected pathways, and to explore their replication potential towards other regions/countries with similar priorities which would eventually trigger investments in low-carbon technologies. Part of the discussion will be dedicated to the role of the R&I in the EU strategies to respond to the current energy crisis.
Note 1: Guided visits to the PSA’s facilities will take place in both days between 14:00-15:15.
Note 2: All meetings will take place in person at PSA conference rooms. There will be coach hired by the organisers that will bring all attendees to PSA in the morning and return after the end of the events in the afternoon. More details will be communicated at a later date.
Note 3: Information about accommodation will be communicated to all registrants of the event in due time.
Read more here.