Vandoeuvres-lès-Nancy, France



HydExp (FR7.4)

Hydrothermal Experimentation

Studying the reactivity and stability of phases in fluid-mineral-solution-gas-organic-matter systems requires the application of geochemical techniques. For this, GeoRessources provides a set of hot- and cold-joint autoclaves for sampling under controlled pressure and redox conditions. Experiments are performed in batch-type reactors of various sizes: welded gold cells and stainless-steel and titanium chambers (with or without sapphire windows) equipped for in situ Raman and pH measurement. A secure laboratory is available for experiments using hazardous gases (SOx, NOx, H2, H2S, CO). Specific autoclaves (IMAGES, MIRAGES, COTAGES) have been designed for gas-injection applications with flow and thermal-gradient controls. Miniaturisation has enabled us to develop microchemistry capillary techniques which allow us to control volumes, pressures and temperature for the measurement of chemical solubility, kinetics and reactivity at the micrometric scale.

Areas of research

Main applications :

  • Geological storage of acid gases ;

  • Storage of radioactive waste ;

  • Petroleum generation through artificial maturation of the source-rock;

  • Petroleum thermal stability ;

  • Transfer of metallic elements in the Earth’s crust.

State of the Art, uniqueness & specific advantages

The devices IMAGES, MIRAGES (1 and 2), COTAGES and some specificities for silica capillaries were specifically designed for CO2 storage applications to answer to scientific questions on fluid/rock/materials system reactivity submitted to geological conditions of pressure and temperature. They allow to reach high pressure and high temperatures related to deep geological storage. The possibility to handle hazardous gases (SOx, NOx, H2S…) under such geological conditions is also to mention. Notice that the MIRAGES device mimics an injection well at a 1/20 scale. The possibility to follow chemical parameters such as pH or concentrations of molecular species by Raman spectrometer under high pressure and high temperature is given by MIRAGES and IMAGES devices. COTAGES allow to follow the influence of a thermal gradient under pressure on a 70 cm lengt horizontal column.

Scientific Environment

SEM, EPMA, Raman and IR, LA-ICPMS, XRD, mirco-XRF, liquid and gas chromatography, lab for thin and polished sections, CT scan, cathodoluminescence, SIMS, mass spectrometry (stable and radiogenic isotopes)

Operating by


Centre national de la recherche scientifique
STORAGE technologies:
Pressure/injection, Caprock/well integrity, Leakage mitigation/remediation, Leakage, Monitoring, Annex gases
UTILISATION technologies:
CO2 Conversion to Solid Carbonates, Supercitical CO2 for metal extraction
Research Fields:
Chemistry/Geochemistry, Geology/Geophysics, Material science, Thermodynamics
Facility's fact sheet

Location & Contacts

Vandoeuvres-lès-Nancy, France
RICC Contacts - Secondary contact
DUPRAZ Sébastien

Facility Availability

Unit of access (UA)
Availability per year (in UA)
from 10 to 100 days
Present facility state of access
Partially Accessible
Expected duration, reason and impact on services until access is fully restored
Duration of a typical access (average) and number of external users expected for that access
from 2 to 50 days
Average number of external users expected for typical access
one user

Quality Control / Quality Assurance (QA)

Activities / tests / data are
State of Quality: The quality concerns mainly the in-situ measurements (pH, Raman, pressure and temperature control). Thery are performed using calibration methods classically used in labs and extensively described in literature. The follow-up of the experiments is recorded in a laboratory notebook.

Operational or other constraints

Specific risks:
Handling hazardous gas if any
Legal issues

CCUS Projects

Other CCUS Projects
Gaz Annexes
Mineral Carbonation: A promising technique for mitigating the Global Warming.
Multigaz project
SOHS project
2014 -2016

Selected Publications

Geosciences, 9, 33. (2019)
Structural Control of a Dissolution Network in a Limestone Reservoir Forced by Radial Injection of CO2 Saturated Solution: Experimental Results Coupled with X-ray Computed Tomography.
Privalov, V., Randi, A., Sterpenich, J., Pironon, J., and Morlot, C.
Geosciences, 8, 5. (2018)
Experimental modelling of the caprock/cement interface behaviour under CO2 storage conditions: effect of water and supercritical CO2 from a cathodoluminescence study.
Jobard E., Sterpenich J., Pironon J., Corvisier J., Randi A.
Chemical Geology, 382, 140-152. (2014)
Geochemical implication of an oxycombustion stream containing SO2 and O2 on carbonate rocks in the context of CO2 storage.
Renard, S., Sterpenich, J., Pironon, J., Chiquet, P., Randi, A.
Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 4, 210-224. (2014)
Experimental study of CO2 injection in a simulated injection well: the MIRAGES experiment.
Sterpenich, J., Jobard, E., El Hajj, H., Pironon, J., Randi, A. Caumon, M.-C.
Chemical Geology, 265(1-2): 99-112. (2009)
Experimental ageing of oolitic limestones under CO2 storage conditions: Petrographical and chemical evidence.
Sterpenich, J., Sausse, J., Pironon, J., Géhin, A., Hubert, G., Perfetti, E., Grgic, D.,
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (2021)
NO solubility in water and brine up to 60 MPa and 373 K by combining Raman spectroscopy and molecular simulation.
Sterpenich, J., Caumon, M., Lachet, V., Creton, B., El Jarmouni, M., Randi, A., Robert, P.
GHGT-16 Conference. Proceeding. Extended abstract. (2022)
Mapping of natural CO2 emissions before NECCS
Pironon, J., de Donato, P., Pélissier, N., Guermont, T., Barres, O., Caumon, MC., Piedevache, M., Randi, A., Sterpenich, J.
GHGT-16 Conference. Proceeding. Extended abstract. (2022)
Demonstration of the impact of rock heterogeneities on the dynamics of wormhole propagation: An experimental multi-scale approach of CO2-rich brine injection in limestone reservoirs.
Randi, A., Sterpenich, J., Morlot, M., Pironon, J., Carpentier, C., Kervévan, C.