Heriot-Watt University offers the following computational facility for static and dynamic modelling of CO2 storage in subsurface geological formations:
High Performance Computing (HPC) facility is available for research in CCS
Exploits parallel capabilities of modern multi-threaded and multi-core CPUs, and consists of
20 multi-core CPU systems which currently totals over 480 CPU cores
2Tb of RAM
Aggregated storage capacity >20Tb.
HPC software includes:
CMG reservoir simulation suite (Builder, IMEX black oil, STARS k value compositional and reactive transport simulation, GEM equation of state compositional and reactive transport simulation)
Schlumberger Reservoir Simulation suite (Petrel, ECLIPSE black oil simulation, E300 equation of state compositional simulation)
Anaconda python virtual environment
Intel compilers and mkl libraries
gnu compilers
mpi, fftw, hdf5, blas, cblas, openmpi libraries
3 state of the art teaching rooms each furnished with 16 high end PC workstations that may be used for developing and running multimillion cell dynamic reservoir simulation models as well as projection facilities
Software includes all of above plus
Petroleum Experts Reveal black oil reactive transport simulation
PHREEQC reactive transport simulation
Geochemist's Workbench reactive transport simulation
90 seater classroom
Bespoke industry-academic engagement facility (GRID) including offices, meeting rooms, VC facilities, breakout rooms, project sharing space
The facility is a high specification computational facility, typical of higher grade facilities available at various universities and research organisations. The added value we offer is access to industry standard commercial and also research software for performing CO2 storage calculations, with expertise in using such software for pure research and for more field specific and applied studies. Such expertise has been developed over three decades, much of it by modelling field cases to address industry posed questions, and in direct collaboration with industrial funders. Indeed, various of the researchers available to support use of the facility have direct experience of working in the industry themselves. Heriot-Watt University also offers state of the art teaching and meeting facilities, and has a close relationship with commercial software vendors, regularly organising and hosting training events with them for the benefit of industry and academic staff and students.
Training and support for use of software used for storage calculations. We also provide consultancy services - although for these third party software license charges will be passed on at cost.