Publicly funded research
As a publicly funded research infrastructure, the results coming from access to the ECCSEL ERIC infrastructure can be publicly shared in the open literature. If the use of the ECCSEL infrastructure results from public funds like the EU framework program, the results should be published within reasonable time in the open literature, specifying from what funding source the project has received funding. However, exceptions may apply if the Access Provider can certify that those data belong to the following exception list:
- Data being used to generate a patent and any IP & Data that may fall under the scope of the protection of undisclosed know-how and business information
- Data being used for an ongoing ECCSEL Publication
- Scientific data that are considered as more suitable reattached to another RI or data management network
Self-funded research
The ECCSEL ERIC research infrastructure is continuously available to perform self-funded research. More information about open access to the research facilities can be found here. Self-funded research performed at ECCSEL facilities opens up for confidentiality over research results if needed.
Full confidentiality
Full confidentiality over results can be offered when access to ECCSEL facilities is self-funded. Agreements on full confidentiality can be made in accordance with ECCSEL and the facility manager prior to the access.